Friday, September 18, 2009

Imagining the Balkans

Author: Mariia Nikolaeva Todorova
Published by: Oxford University Press, 2009
288 pages

There had always been travelers traversing the peninsula, but most were in a hurry to cross and reach the two focal points of attraction: the Holy Land and Constantinople. Among European writings from the first centirues of Ottoman rule, the narrative accounts of travelers par excellence occupy a relatively modest place, the bulk of being works of anti-Ottoman polemic and propaganda, descriptions of the Ottomans and the Balkans in the early period was generated by the Venetians who had traditionally strong commercial, political, and cultural ties to the late Byzantine empire. The creation of a vigorous Greek intellectual diaspora after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 secured a continuous and fruitful exchange that became a fundamental element of the humanistic spirit of the Renaissance. Vitally dependent on the preservation of its elaborate and sophisticated trade mechanism, Venice managed, by vacillating with skillful diplomacy between appeasement, collaboration, neutrality, and war, to maintain its privileged position in the Ottoman realm until the end of the sixteenth century, in the face of the increasing competition from the emerging continental European powers.

In the second half of the eighteenth century, when the activation of Russian policy in the Mediterranean stirred part of the Balkans in open revolt against the Porte, Italy acted as intermediary between east and west in a complicated relationship defined as "Italo-Greco-Russian symbiosis."


Rethinking orientalism: women, travel and the Ottoman harem

Author: Reina Lewis

Published by: New Brunswick, Rutgers UP, 2004
ISBN 0-8135-3543-3
297 pages

The oppressed yet highly sexualised woman of the Muslim harem is arguably the pivotal figure of Western Orientalism. Yet, Rema Lewis argues, Western understandings of Middle Eastern culture remain limited, with little attention being paid to the voices of self-identified 'Oriental' women whc published accounts in English about segregated life, challenging Western Orientalist stereotypes and intervening in debates about female and national emancipation. This first full-length study of alternative dialogues between Ottoman and Western women and a major contribution to both Middle East and Cultural Studies, looks closely at writings from and about Istanbul by writers including Demetra Vaka Brown, Hatide Edib, Zeyneb Hanurn, Melek Hanum and Grace Ellison.



Author: Balkan Literary Almanac

Published by: Fliorir Publishing House
ISBN 954822657X, 9789548226578

The first Balkan literature almanac for blind authors is spreading its wings to fly. It will fly over the golden Trakia, over the white and quite Danube, over the Carpati over Cosovo, over Aphrodite's island and the heavenly Olympus. It will fly towards the big world sky, caring with its wings roses and olive sprigs. 16 blind Balkan poets, writers, and journalists depict in words the image of the world, such as they have seen it with their inner eyes, a world in which there is pain, drama, worries, and hope. This almanac is the first distinguished product of the Balkan club of journalists from blind mass media. Accept it like a sun bird and take it with the warm hands of your souls and hearts. That sun bird is coming with peace and it is promising to you peace. Let it be your guiding light to the stars ! Let it be !

Georgi Bratanov

Chief editor of "Zari" magazine, Speaker of UBB, President of the Balkan club of the journalists from blind mass media.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Balkan Fascination

Penulis: Mirjana Lausevic
Penerbit: Oxford University Press
Tebal halaman: 299
ISBN: 019517867X, 9780195178678

Buku ini terbagi ke dalam empat bagian, yang secara garis besar membahas tentang periode-periode sejarah perkembangan tarian rakyat internasional. Bagian I, "Ethnography of the Balkan Music Scene", memuat tentang profil masyarakat Balkan era kekinian dan tentang perkemahan-perkemahan Balkan sebagai pusat perkembangan tarian. Bagian II, "Folk Dancing and Turn-of-the-Century America", membahas tentang berbagai kegunaan tarian rakyat di daerah permukiman dan bagi pendidikan jasmani dan rekreasi. Bagian III, "International Dancing Folk Dancing from the 1930s to 1950s", memperbincangkan munculnya gerakan independen "tarian rakyat internasional". Bagian IV, "The 1950s and Beyond", membicarakan tentang "Balkan craze" tarian rakyat internasional dan perkembangan lebih lanjut dari musik dan tarian khas Balkan.



Authors: Harvey Pekar, Heather Roberson, Ed Piskor

Publisher: Villard, 2007
ISBN 0345498992, 9780345498991
161 pages

For years Heather Roberson, a passionate peace activist, has argued that war can always be avoided. But she has repeatedly faced counterarguments that fighting is an inescapable consequence of world conflicts. Indeed, Heather finds proving her point to be a little tricky without examples to bolster her case. So she does something a little crazy: She sets out for far-off Macedonia, a landlocked country north of Greece and west of Bulgaria, to explore a region that has edged–repeatedly–close to the brink of violence, only to refrain.

In the process–and as vividly portrayed by the talented duo of Harvey Pekar and Ed Piskor–Heather is tangled in red tape, ripped off by cabdrivers and hotel clerks, hit on by creepy guys, secretly photographed, and mistaken for a spy. She also creates unlikely friendships, learns that getting lost means seeing something new, and makes some startling discoveries. War is hell and peace is difficult–but conflict is always necessary.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Macedonia: Warlords and Rebels in the Balkans

Author: John Phillips

Publisher: I.B.Tauris, 2004
230 pages

The former Yugoslav republic's smooth transition to independence contrasted impressively with the violent succession of Slovenia, Croatia and bosnia. A decade ago, the preoccupation of western journalists' with Bosnia and Croatia meant that events in Macedonia received scant mention.

When the author returned to the Balkans to report on the demise of Slobodan Milosevic in September 2000, it was expected that any further fighting that broke out in the former Yugoslavia would most likely take place in Montenegro. The ousting of Milosevic in a bloodless uprising curtailed the tension between Beograd and Milo Djukanovic, the Montenegrin Leader, but as fighting flared with between ethnic Albanians and Yugoslav soldiers in southern Serbia it became clear not only that NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia had not resolved the status of Kosovo but also that Albanian nationalism was now potentially as much a major destabilising force in the region as Serbian nationalism had been hitherto.

This book attempts to explain how and why armed conflict broke out in Macedonia, threatening to plunge the Balkans into a fifth war a decade after Skopje seceded peacefully from Yugoslavia.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hungary, the art of survival

Author: Paul Lendvai

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: I.B.Tauris, 1988
ISBN 1850431183, 9781850431183
178 pages

Four decades have passed since the collapse of the Third Reich, the Red Army's invasion and the 1947 Paris Peace Agreement's restoration of the boundaries imposed at Versailles, which deprived the Hungarian state of its limbs. Meanwhile, 3.2 to 3.5 million Hungarians have continued to live in four neighouring countries (Romania, Czechoslivakia, Yugoslavia, and Carpathian Ukraine) since the Second World War. The Hungarian question has become a political issue of the first magnitude in the Danube area, particularly in Hungary itself.

The principle human rights was formally acknowledged and spelled out in the 1975 Helsinki Accords on the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), signed by the leaders of 33 European countries plus the United States and Canada.



Authors: Paul Hellander, Kate Armstrong, Michael Clark, Des Hannigan

Edition: 7, illustrated
Publisher: Lonely Planet, 2006
ISBN 1740597508, 9781740597500
772 pages

Greece is no longer a cheap country. Prices have rocketed since the adoption of the euro in 2002. It's hard to believe that inflation is less than 4%, as claimed by the government, when prices have risen by more than 50% in two years. Some dramatic price rises, particularly for accommodation and restaurant meals, have been evident especially in the wake of the 2004 Olympic Games.

Your money will go much further if you travel during the quieter months of May to June and September to October. Accommodation is a lot cheaper outside high season - particularly on the islands. You will also be able to negotiate better deals if you stay a few days. Families can achieve considerable savings by looking for self-catering apartments, shopping for food and drink at supermarkets and local produce markets and cooking for themselves.

Prices quoted throughout this book are for the high season in July and August.


Monday, May 25, 2009

A History of Poland

Authors: Oskar Halecki, Antony Polonsky

Edition: 4, revised
Publisher: Routledge, 1978
ISBN 0710086474, 9780710086471
407 pages

Poland, who now has reached her millennium, is often regarde as one of the new States. This oblivion of the Poland of the past is at the root of all the misunderstandings which stand in the way of a correct comprehension of the Poland of to-day. True, Poland history is not entirely unknown to the foreigner. But his mind retains only a few isolated facts of a specially striking nature, such as that of the Partitions. Rarely, on the other hand, does he go back to the origin of our historical evolution. More rarely still does he grasp its continuity, which even the Partitios were not able to break. Above all, he scarcely ever realizes the role that Poland has played in the general history of Europe from early times.


Nuclear Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS

Author: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

Edition: revised
Publisher: OECD Publishing, 2000
ISBN 9264185259, 9789264185258
194 pages

Pursuant to Article 1 of the Convention signed in Paris On 14th December 1960, and which came into force on 30th September 1961, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shall promote policies designed:
-to achieve the highest sustainable economic growth and employment and a rising standard of living in Member countries, while maintaining financial stability, and thus to contribute to the development of the world economy;
-to contribute to sound economic expansion in Member as well as non-member countries in the process of economic development; and
-to contribute to the expansion of world trade on a multilateral, non-discriminatory basis in accordance with international obligations.

The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) was established on 1st February 1958 under the name of OEEC European Nuclear Energy Agency. It received its present designation on 20th April 1972, when Japan became its first non-European full Member. NEA membership today consists of 27 OECD Member countries. The Commission of European Communities also takes part in the work of the Agency.


St. Petersburgh, Constantinople, and Napoli di Romania, in 1833 and 1834

Authors: Friedrich Tietz, James D. Haas

Translator: James D. Haas
Published by A. Richter & Co., 1836
Item notes: v. 2
Original from Oxford University
Digitized Oct 12, 2006

There is scarecely another city in Europe which so magnificently attests its character to be Imperial, as does St. Petersburgh. From the Palace Strielna, three miles distant from the city, and situated in the Finland way, we drove along a beautiful higway, (one of the most useful traits of advancing civilization) between elegant villas, which uninterruptedly lined both sides of the road. Each of these villas is surrounded by a small park, separated from the highway only by slight iron of railings, and this style of taste continued even to the city gates. The owners of these country houses, which are called dastchen, go to a great expence of laying out with luxurious arrangement their respective seats, in order to pass the few summer months that throw a glow over the climate, in sybaritish enjoyment. From those belvederes of the datschens which lie to the left of the road, the prospect is most lovely. Thence, on the fine summer evenings of June and July, which for two or three weeks together are not encroached upon by actual darkness, but....


Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Jews of Poland

The Jews of Poland: a social and economic history of the Jewish community in Poland from 1100 to 1800

Author: Bernard Dov Weinryb
Edition: 2
Publisher: Jewish Publication Society, 1976
ISBN 082760016X, 9780827600164
424 pages


The Moldovans: Romania, Russia, and the politics of culture

Author: Charles King

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Hoover Press, 1999
ISBN 081799792X, 9780817997922
303 pages


Values and education in Romania today

Authors: Marin C. Călin, Magdalena Dumitrana, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy

Contributor: Marin C. Călin
Publisher: CRVP, 2001
ISBN 1565181344, 9781565181342
235 pages


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Recollections of a Romanian diplomat 1918 - 1969

Author: Raoul V. Bossy
Contributor George H. Bossy, Michel-André Bossy
Publisher: Hoover Press
ISBN 0817929517, 9780817929510

Diplomatic quarters and the foreign press were zeztfully commenting upon two truly superfying lectures. The first was a talk given by Frank, He sought to prove that Poland was a German land not only by right of conquest but also historically and culturally. According to him, Poland's territory would have been originally Germanic, and to bolster this strange theory he spoke of Germanic swords discovered in Poland during recent excavations. He also unearthed a Germanic root in the name of every Poland scientist. This sickening contempt for historical truth would have caused laughter had it not been followed by the gruesome statement, "There will never again exist a Polish state." Did Frank remember his deplorable prophecy when he mounted the scaffold?


Authors: Simon Commander, Fabrizio Coricelli

Published by World Bank Publications, 1995
ISBN 082132988X, 9780821329887
391 pages

When transition started in Eastern Europe and in Russia, it was clear that unemployment would emerge and that, at least initially, job losses were likely to be large given size of the shocks and the disruption to systems of production and trade. How large that unemployment would be and for how long it would persist was, and to some extent remains, an unknown. This book is a first attempt at examining this phenomenon and provides a coherent framework for thinking about changes to employment in the countries that are undergoing substantial transition.

Several important and general findings emerge. First, state and privatized firms have active sought to adapt the new relative prices and markets. Second, while there as been impressive growh in the private sector, in most of the countries, many of those who have lost their former state sector jobs. Third, steps to a more efficient allocation of labor resources in the transitional economies and to a well-functioning labor market depend very powerfully on a sound macroeconomic policy.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Landscape archaeology in southern Epirus, Greece I

Authors: James Wiseman, Kōnstantinos L. Zachos

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: ASCSA, 2003
ISBN 0876615329, 9780876615324
292 pages

Human societies at all times an in all parts of the world interact with the landscape they inhabit; it could not be otherwise, even if the interaction were somehow limited to the selective exploitation of natural resources. Human activities alter the landscape and the natural environment, often in dramatic ways; the alterations may occur as the result of human design, as in clearing a forest to plant crops, or may be incidental, as in the destruction (or reshaping) of a mountainside by Roman miners of precious metals. Conversely, humans at varous times in the past have pysically adapted to changes in their envirnment (especially in the distant past), or responded to environmental change in variety of other way. Some of these response, such as migration or technological innovation, have been drastic and revolutionary in their effect and are often recognizable in the archaeological record, while other responses were more gradual, even subtle, and are more difficult to detect. To acknowledge the importance of the natural setting, of the environment at large, in studying change in human society is not to deny the important of intercultural relationships, or the role of the individual intellect or collective social conscience in the evolution of ethical, spirutual, or other sociocultural phenomena in human affairs. The point is that to understand and explain changes in human society over time, it is critically important to study society in relationship to the changing environment in which it existed. Through this approach to the past archaeologists are able to provide insights into the factors that underlie changes in human-land relationships, sometimes over a short time-span or even regarding specific events, but especially over the long term. And they can explore those interculutural relationships and sociocultural phenomena cited above, which themselves evolved within specific environmental settings and change.


Political Transformation and Changing Identities in Central and Eastern Europe

Authors: Andrew M. Blasko, Diana Januauskiene

Contributor: Andrew M. Blasko
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: CRVP, 2008
ISBN 1565182464, 9781565182462
420 pages

The post-communist democratic transformation in Europe continues to be one of the most widely topics in the social sciences, even after the recent wave of European Union expansion. Numerous attempts have been made to describe and explain the changes that have been taken place in Central and Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet Union, both in respect to the collapse of the Soviet-style system, and concerning the so-called "Europeanization" that different countries have greeted in markedly different ways. The collection of articles presented here comprises a further contribution to this on-going discussion that involves empirical studies of particular states in the region, a comparative investigation of certain shared problems, as well as an exploration of theoretical questions with the issues of identity and change. In addition to focusing on questions of importance of specific countries, the discussion endeavors to raise issues that are relevant to the region as whole as it has undergone the experience of system change with the resulting need to forge a new identity on the basis of history, culture, and aspirations for a better future.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Balkans Security

Authors: Harold J. Johnson, Jr., Judith A. McCloskey

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: DIANE Publishing, 2000
ISBN 0756703220, 9780756703226
90 pages

Since 1992, the international community has responded to a series of armed conflicts in the Balkans region by establishing numerous, complex military and civilian peace operations there. The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) significantly increased the active participation of the military forces in resolving the region's conflicts in late 1995, when they deployed the first NATO-led peace enforcement operation to Bosnia. Their involvement deepened again in 1999 with the start of NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia and after Yugoslavia decided in June 1999 to withdraw its security forces from Serbia's province of Kosovo, with the deployment of another NATO-led peace enforcement operation to the province.


Making Markets

Authors: Shafiqul Islam, Michael Mandelbaum

Contributors: Shafiqul Islam, Michael Mandelbaum
Publisher: Council on Foreign Relations, 1993
ISBN 087609129X, 9780876091296
238 pages

The collapse of communism in Europe and the former Soviet Union has produced one of the most daunting tasks of the twentieth century: the construction of market economies out of the wreckage of central planning. While there is a lively debate among economists on this transformation, little has reached a non-specialist audience. In Making Markets, Shafiqul Islam and Michael Mandelbaum call on four eminent economists to summarize the state of current thinking. Richard Portes, Centre for Economic Policy Research in London, surveys the process of transition, examining its primary features and the problems that will be faced in light of Western economic theory and international economic practice. Paul Marer, Indiana University, gives a detailed account of the transition already underway in Central Europe. Robert Campbell, Indiana University, discusses the special problems confronting the Soviet Unions successor states, particularly Russia. Jeffrey Sachs, Harvard University and adviser to the Russian and Polish governments, considers the role of the West, citing episodes in economic history in which external support made success possible. Nor would a Central European or Russian authoritarian ruler necessarily carry out liberal economic policies. The alternative is not a return to full-fledged communist planning, but the retention of some communist practices als ofpund in many contries in the Third World.

The long-term prospects for these countries depend on their estabilishing, and keeping, the opposite combination: democratic politics and liberal economics. Success will be slow in coming and modest at first. Thus, tangible Western support also has a political role to play by contributing to public confidence in the prospects for a successful transition. And without confidence, the policies of political authoritarianism and economic populism will have their day.


Services trade in the Balkans

Author: Constantine Michalopoulos, Vasileios Panousopoulos

Publisher: World Bank Publications, 2002
ISBN 0821353365, 9780821353363
34 pages

Building Competitive Firms: Incentives and Capabilities explains how firms become competitive in language suitable for both technical and non-technical readers. A simple analytical framework integrates elements such as competition policy, corporate governance, foreign direct investment, innovation readiness, intellectual property rights, e-commerce and supply chain management. These 'behind-the-border' elements are pivotal to shaping the investment climate in any country and enhancing the benefits of trade liberalization. Each of these themes is discussed in detail with a focus on policy design and international best practice in implementation.

This study was prepared in support of the Working Group on Trade Liberalization and Facilitation of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, with the objective to provide an overview of policies affecting srvices trade in seven countries of the Balkan region that signed in June 2001 the Memorandum of Understanding on Trade Liberalization and Facilitation. These countries - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - have embarkeed in a process of broad liberalization of their merchandise trade.


The Drama in Former Yugoslavia

Author Anton Zabkar

Edition: reprint
Publisher: DIANE Publishing, 1995
ISBN 0788139444, 9780788139444
119 pages

The collapse of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the role of its army ,the YNA, in this process, and the progress of the war in Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, have been the subjects of may symposiums and roundtables. Political scientists, lawyers, sociologists, psychologist, criminologist, economists, and military and other specialists, have described in great deal and analysed from their own points of view the event which accompanied this process of collapse.

This paper attempts to fill in these blank spots, and is composed of three sections: the first describes aspects of the normative standardisation of civil-military relations in the newly formed federation; the second describes the disharmony beween these standards and reality, and the third gives some concluding thoughts on the possible development of these relations in the coming short-term period.


HIV/Aids in the western Balkans

Authors: Joana Godinho, World Bank, Dorothee Eckertz, Nedim Jaganjac

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: World Bank Publications, 2005
ISBN 0821363948, 9780821363942
195 pages

This study was undertaken to enable regional decisionmakers and Bank management to agree on the priorities for early action in the Western Balkans to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS - and its potential human and economic costs - in the framework of the UN "Three Ones": one national AIDS Strategy that drives alignment of all partners; one national AIDS authority to coordinate it; and one nationally-owned monitoring and evaluation system.

The study also aimed at informing the Bank's policy dialogue and operational work to control HIV/AIDS in the Balkans; and contributing to building up the regional partnership between governments, civil society, UN agencies, and multilateral and bilateral agencies to prevent HIV/AIDS, sexually-transmitted infections and TB; and to improve public health in this region.

The most striking feature in the Balkans is the high-risk environment. All major factors that could serve as contributing factors for the breakout an HIV/AIDS epidemic are present in the Balkans. Severe political instability, wars and consequent economc crisis and migration in this region over the last 10 years have generated poverty and presented overwhelming challenges which have affected all countries in varying degrees


Promoting Sustainable Economies in the Balkans

Authors: Steven Rattner, Michael B. Froman, Council on Foreign Relations

Contributor: Steven Rattner
Publisher: Council on Foreign Relations, 2000
ISBN 0876092679, 9780876092675
73 pages

After two wars, thousands of deaths,hundreds of thousands of displaced persons, and billions of dollars in destruction, the importance of stability in the Balkans cannot be ignored. Historical grievances, ethnic rivalries, and the political ambition of misguided leaders have all played important roles in triggering these conflicts. But the region's many economic problems - poverty, unemployment, stagnating economies, and pervasive lack of hope for a better future - have contributed to an environment that made such conflicts possible, Creating sustainable economic growth and increasing standards of living cannot solve the region's political and ethnic problems. But they can contribute to stability in the region and create incentives to avoid conflict. At issue is whether the ecoomies of this region will be sustainable over time or whether they will become or remain largely dependent on foreign assistance. Drawing in a broad range of expertise in international business and investment, the Task Force has sought to provide practical recommendations that will keep help policy makers in and outside the region meet this challenge.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Western Approaches to Eastern Europe

Authors: James F. Brown, Robert D. Hormats, William H. Luers, Ivo J. Lederer

Publisher: Council on Foreign Relations, 1992
ISBN 0876091303, 9780876091302
107 pages

As early as the spring of 1990, barely a few months after the Czechoslovak "velvet" revolution, a Prague daily newspaper was already registering an unease that was felt throughout Eastern Europe: "The Revolution euphoria is fading fast. The public is beginning to ask - what now?" Now, at the end of 1991, the "Revolution euphoria" has disappeared completely. The exhilaration and sense of purpose of 1989 has been replaced by impatience, anxiety, even disillusion. This essay is an attempt to analyze the reasons for this dramatic change of mood, to put developments in the Eastern European states in perspective, and to describe the most significant external factors affecting their present and their future.

All the Soviet Union's erstwhile satellites - even Romania, the slowest and least sure - have moved definitively away from communism. But the touchstone of progress has long since become not moving away from communism, but moving toward democracy. The goal of a Western-type liberal democracy had looked relatively simple as communism was being overturned, but in the following months the Eastern Europeans were to learn how difficult and apparently thankless their chosen task was to be.



Author: OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, SourceOECD (Online service)

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: OECD Publishing, 2002
ISBN 9264196978, 9789264196971
148 pages

Slovenia became eligible for adherence to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises on 20 December 2001. This Declaration promotes national treatment of foreign direct investment, encourages voluntary standards of behavior to multinational enterprises and encourages moderation and restrant in the use of investment incentives and conflicting regulatory requirements.

The OECD has invited Slovenia to join the Declaration in view of the liberal orientation of Slovenia's policies, notably as regards foreign direct investment (FDI). Since it declared its independence in 1991, Slovenia has made impressive progress in developing and implementing policies for its transition to a market economy and preparing for EU accession. The encouragement of FDI is a central element of Slovenia's current internationalisation strategy. It is crucial to the success of privatisation of the financial and utilities sectors currently underway. Slovenia has a strategic position between established European markets and developing former Yugoslav economies. Its knowledge of these markets make it a competitive platform for investment into its region.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Serbian Sturgeon: Journal of a Visit to Belgrade

Author: Anthony Howell

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Routledge, 2001
ISBN 9057551233, 9789057551239
137 pages

In the seventies the Yugoslav avant-garde contributed key players to the international arena of art. The work of Marina Abramovic and Ulay, Bratso Dimitrevic and and many important figures such as Joseph Beuys, Joseph Kossuth and Simone Forti made contact with the art scene in Belgrade or performed at its progressive Student Cultural Centre.

Since those heady days Belgrade has become an isolated city and Serbs are ostracised by the international community. What has happened to the art scene in Serbia? How do artists survive in an economy ruined by war and by sanctions?

In this free-wheeling journal, Anthony Howell, a frequent visitor to Serbia, describes the intellectual life which continued to flourish in Belgrade (at least until his last visit in the Spring of 1997), lectures by Victor Burgin and by the British Ambassador, exhibitions, theatre festivals and events by Serb artists, his own performances and how they were received, his excursions to historical sites and his intimate relationships.


The Balkans

Authors: Nevill Forbes, Arnold J. Toynbee

Edition: large print
Publisher: BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2008
ISBN 0554240238, 9780554240237
332 pages

We hope we have dealt fairly with all these peoples. Mediaeval history is mostly a record of bloodshedding and cruelty and the Middle Age has been prolonged to our own time in most parts of the Balkans and is not yet over in some parts.

The whole what may be called the trunk of 'massif' of the Balkan peninsula, bounded on the north by the rivers Save and Danube, on the west by the Adriatic, on the east by the Black Sea, and on the south by a very irregular line running from Antivari (on the coast of the Adriatic) and the lake of Scutari in the west, through lakes Okhrida and Prespa (in Macedonia) to the outskirts of Salonika and thence to Midia on the shores of the Black Sea, following the coast of the Aegean Sea some miles inland, is prepondereatingly inhabited by Slavs. These Slavs are the Bulgarians in the east and centre, the Serbs and Croats (or Serbians and Croatians or Serbo-Croats) in the west, and the Slovenes in the extreme north-west, between Trieste and the Save; these nationalities compose the southern branch of the Slavonic race. The other inhabitants of the Balkan peninsula are, to the south of the Slavs, the Albanians in the west, the Greeks in the centre and north, and the Turks in the south-east, and, to the north, the rumanians. All four of these nationalities are to be found in varying quantities within the limits of the Slav territory roughly outlined above, but great numbers of them are outside it; on the other hand, a therea are considerable number of Serbs living north of the rivers Save and Danube, in Southern Hungary.


History of the Balkans: Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

Author: Barbara Jelavich

Edition: reprint, illustrated
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 1983
ISBN 0521274583, 9780521274586
400 pages

This narrative concerns the history of the people in five modern Balkan states - Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and Yugoslavia - over approximately three centuries. Although the Balkan peninsula has played a major role in history, the area has been subject to less intensive study tha any other European region. To the outside observer the Balkans often appear to be puzzle of confusing complexity. A geographic region inhabited by seven major nationalities, speaking different languages, it has usually impinged on the Western consciousness only when it has become the scene of wars or acts of violence.

Yet this area, because of both its past contributions and its present importance, certainly deserves a larger place in modern historical studies. Part of former ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, and Habsburg lands, and situated at the convergence of Europe, Africa, and Asia, the peninsula has felt the weight of convergence alternate imperial drives and cultural borderline have intersected - for instance, the boundaries between Eastern (Byzantine) and Western Roman empires, between Islam and Christianity, between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and between the military blocs of the North Atlantic Treaty and the Warsaw Pact.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

South Eastern Europe

Author: Centre for Co-operation with Non-members, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, OECD Staff, Centre for Co-operation with Non-members, SourceOECD (Online service

Edition: illustrated
PublisherOECD Publishing, 2003
ISBN 9264100717, 9789264100718
380 pages

Education is one of the priorities identified in the Stability Pact adopted in 1999 to strengthen the economic and social development of countries in the south eastern Europe region. This is the first volume of an OECD thematic survey of national education systems in the region which seek to address policy issues and barriers to reform, as well as providing individual country overviews and a regional outlook. The countries covered in this volume are Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia and Kosovo. The evaluations are based on four main characteristics: availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability.


Genocide After Emotion

Author: Stjepan Gabriel Meštrović

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Routledge, 1996
ISBN 0415122945, 9780415122948
225 pages

The failure to adequately respond on the part of the major Western superpowers to the atrocities in the Balkans constitutes a major moral and political scandal. In Genocide After Emotion Mestrovic and the contributors thoroughly interrogate the war, its media coverage and response in the West. The result is alarming, both for the progress of the war and for the condition of our society today: the authors argue that the West is suffering from a 'postemotional' condition - we are beyond caring about anything anymore.

This book contains contributions from Philip J. Cohen, Norman Cigar, Slaven Letica, James J. Sadkovich, C.G. Schoenfeld, Thomas Cushman and Igor Primoratz.


The Balkans since 1453

Author: Leften Stavros Stavrianos

Edition: 2, illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2000
ISBN 1850655510, 9781850655510
970 pages

First published in 1958, The Balkans since 1453 is recognized as one of the most important critical accounts of Balkan history. In it, Stavrianos synthesizes fundamental information and describes the development of the Balkans, its people, and its nascent nation-states in a manner essential to a reasoned understanding both of Greek history, and the importance of the Balkans in European and world history.

As Greeks, we celebrate our heritage: the Golden Age of Athens and the Greek city states; Alexander the Great and his conquest of Persia and spread of Hellenism; Byzantium, which though Roman at its inception, was transmuted by a synthesis of Greek Orthodoxy and Hellenism; Greek Orthodoxy, the faith that sustained Hellenism through the Ottoman subjugation; the day, March 25 th , that commemorates the war of independence and creation of the first modern Greek state; and, OXI, Premier Metaxas’ response to Mussolini in 1940, when the Italians sought to occupy Greek territory. These, all, deserve celebration.

However an appreciation of Greek history can be much richer when it is considered in the context of the history of the Balkans, where late nineteenth and twentieth century conflicts followed two thousand years of migration and settlement by disparate peoples. The result was an eventual consolidation of ethnic groups and the formation of national states. All this transpired under Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman rule, strongly influenced by the Eastern Orthodox faith, and subject to pressures exerted by actions of the powerful states of Europe.


Balkan idols: religion and nationalism in Yugoslav states

Author: Vjekoslav Perica

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Oxford University Press US, 2002
ISBN 0195148568, 9780195148565
332 pages

Reporting from the heartland of Yugoslavia in the 1970s, Washington Post correspondent Dusko Doder described "a landscape of Gothic spires, Islamic mosques, and Byzantine domes." A quarter century later, this landscape lay in ruins. In addition to claiming tens of thousands of lives, the former Yugoslavia's four wars ravaged over a thousand religious buildings, many purposefully destroyed by Serbs, Albanians, and Croats alike, providing an apt architectural metaphor for the region's recent history.

Rarely has the human impulse toward monocausality--the need for a single explanation--been in greater evidence than in Western attempts to make sense of the country's bloody dissolution. From Robert Kaplan's controversial Balkan Ghosts, which identified entrenched ethnic hatreds as the driving force behind Yugoslavia's demise to NATO's dogged pursuit and arrest of Slobodan Milosevic, the quest for easy answers has frequently served to obscure the Balkans' complex history. Perhaps most surprisingly, no book has focused explicitly on the role religion has played in the conflicts that continue to torment southeastern Europe.

Based on a wide range of South Slav sources and previously unpublished, often confidential documents from communist state archives, as well as on the author's own on-the-ground experience, Balkan Idols explores the political role and influence of Serbian Orthodox, Croatian Catholic, and Yugoslav Muslim religious organizations over the course of the last century. Vjekoslav Perica emphatically rejects the notion that a "clash of civilizations" has played a central role in fomenting aggression. He finds no compelling evidence of an upsurge in religious fervor among the general population. Rather, he concludes, the primary religious players in the conflicts have been activist clergy. This activism, Perica argues, allowed the clergy to assume political power without the accountablity faced by democratically-elected officials.

What emerges from Perica's account is a deeply nuanced understanding of the history and troubled future of one of Europes most volatile regions.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Slovenia: from Yugoslavia to the European Union

Oleh Mojmir Mrak, Matija Rojec, Carlos Silva-Jàuregui, World Bank
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh World Bank Publications, 2004
ISBN 0821357182, 9780821357187
446 halaman

In the only book of its kind, the contributors--many of them the architects of Slovenia's current transformations--analyze the country's three-fold transition from a command to a market economy, from a regionally based on a national economy, and from a part of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia to a member of the European Union.


Bosnia: Country Handbook

Author: Diane Publishing
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: DIANE Publishing, 1997
ISBN 0788147986, 9780788147982
530 pages

Designed as a ready reference to provide U.S. military forces with unclassified information necessary for effective operations in Bosnia. Contains information on the General Framework Agreement on Peace; regions of interest; climate, terrain, transportation, and telecommunications; culture and history; language; health and disease; first aid/hot and cold weather survival; military forces, infantry weapons, and night vision devices of the former warring factions (FWF); civil forces; mines; rank insignia and uniforms; FWF and SFOR armor, anti-armor, artillery, air defense, aircraft, and misc. equipment. B&W photos and illustrations.

This handbook has been designed as a ready reference to provide US military forces with unclassified information necessary for effective operations in Bosnia. This document also has been authorized for release to the military forces to other nations participating in the Peace Stabilization Force (SFOR). This document supersedes DOD-1540-17-96, dated May 1996.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bosnia and Herzegovina 2001 - 2004

Diterbitkan oleh World Bank Publications

This pape takes tock of labor market development in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the period 2001-2004, using the panel "Living Standards Measurement Study/Living in Bosnia and Herzegovina Survei". The analysis estimates a multinomial logit model of labor market transitions by state of origin (employment, unemployment, and inactivity) following the specification of widely used models of transition probabilities, and analyzes the impact of standard covaraites. The results provide strong evidence that there are indeed significant differences in labor market transitions by gender, age, education, and geographic location.

This paper is a product of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit, Europe and Central Asia Region.


Bosnia and Herzegovina: post-conflict reconstruction

Oleh Alcira Kreimer, Robert Muscat, World Bank. Operations Evaluation Department, Ann Elwan, Margaret Arnold
Kontributor Alcira Kreimer
Diterbitkan oleh World Bank Publications, 2000
ISBN 0821346814, 9780821346815
109 halaman

Bosnia and Uganda received comprehensive reconstruction support from the Bank. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bank helped start the reconstruction effort in 1996, without waiting for financial normalization and membership in the Bank. Sixteen emergency projects for the country addressed all major infrastructure and social sectors. They also incorporated a focus on employment generation and support for institutional development.


Patronage Or Partnership

Patronage Or Partnership: Local Capacity Building in Humanitarian Crises
Oleh Ian Smillie
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh IDRC, 2001
ISBN 0889369445, 9780889369443
212 halaman

Patronage or Partnership: Local Capacity Building in Humanitarian Crises grew out of the research of the Humanitarianism and War Project, an independent policy-research initiative now based at the Feinstein International Famine Center in Tufts University's School of Nutrition Science and Policy. The book was designed to test assumptions and to investigate relationships between humanitarian agencies and local civil society in complex emergencies. In this book, the author said that Bosnia represented what might be loosely termed post-Soviet space, in which formalized civil sector predated the conflict.



Bosnia-Herzegovina: The End of a Legacy

Oleh Neven Andjelic
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Routledge, 2003
ISBN 071465485X, 9780714654850
228 halaman


The Muslim-Croat civil war in Central Bosnia

The Muslim-Croat civil war in Central Bosnia: a military history, 1992-1994

Oleh Charles R. Shrader
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Texas A&M University Press, 2003
ISBN 1585442615, 9781585442614
223 halaman

n this volume, Charles R. Shrader offers the first full-scale military history of a crucial conflict in Bosnia between two former allies. When the Bosnian Serbs and their Serbian allies attacked Bosnia-Herzegovina in March 1992, the Bosnia Croats and Muslims collaborated to defend themselves. As Serbian pressure increased and it became clear that the West would not intervene, the two allies began to stake out their own claims. Drawing from cases presented before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Shrader describes the organization and tactical doctrine of the Croatian Defense Forces and the Muslim-led Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. He analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides in such fields as communications, training, and logistics. Far from being the attackers, Shrader concludes, the Bosnian Croats in Central Bosnia were clearly outnumbered, outgunned, and on the defensive. Although Shrader's work is a meticulous analysis by a neutral expert, not everyone will find his conclusions comfortable. But every serious student of the conflict in Bosnia will have to take his history into account.


Russia, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe

Russia, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe: a survey of holdings at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace

Oleh Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Joseph D. Dwyer
Diterbitkan oleh Hoover Press, 1980
ISBN 0817950117, 9780817950118
233 halaman


Macedonia and the Macedonians

Macedonia and the Macedonians: A History

Oleh Andrew Rossos
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Hoover Press, 2008
ISBN 0817948821, 9780817948825
367 halaman

Throughout history, every power that aspired to dominate the Balkans-from the ancient Romans to Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia in the age of imperialism and nationalism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries-has sought to control Macedonia. But although Macedonia figured prominently in history, it remained a little-known land until the nineteenth century. This detailed volume surveys the history of Macedonia from 600 B.C. to the present day, with an emphasis on the past two centuries. It reveals how the so-called Macedonian question has long dominated Balkan politics, and how for well over a century and a half, it was the central issue dividing Balkan peoples, as neighboring nations struggled for possession of Macedonia and denied any distinct Macedonian identity-territorial, political, ethnic, or national. The author concludes that Balkan acceptance of a Macedonian identity, nation, and state has become a necessity for stability in the Balkans and in a united Europe. Book jacket.



Bosnia: Faking Democracy After Dayton

Oleh David Chandler
Edition: 2
Diterbitkan oleh Pluto Press, 2000
ISBN 0745316891, 9780745316895
268 halaman

The Dayton Accords brought the Bosnian war to an end in November 1995, establishing a detailed framework for the reconstitution of the Bosnian state and its consolidation through a process of democratization. In Bosnia David Chandler makes the first in-depth critical analysis of the policies and impact of post-Dayton democratization. Drawing on interviews with key officials within the OSCE in Bosnia and extensive original research exploring the impact of policies designed to further political pluralism, develop multi-ethnic administrations, protect human rights and support civil society, Chandler reveals that the process has done virtually nothing to develop democracy in this troubled country. Political autonomy and accountability are now further away than at any time since the outbreak of the Bosnian war.The Afterword to this new edition updates Bosnian developments and adds an analysis of the structures and problems of the international protectorate in Kosovo.


International Public Opinion and the Bosnia Crisis

International Public Opinion and the Bosnia Crisis

Oleh Eric Shiraev
Diterbitkan oleh Lexington Books, 2003
ISBN 0739104802, 9780739104804
364 halaman

International Public Opinion and the Bosnia Crisis examines--through U.S., Canadian, and European case studies--how public reaction impacted democratic governments' response to the ethnic and religious conflict in Bosnia, 1991-1997.


Building market institutions in South Eastern Europe

Building market institutions in South Eastern Europe: comparative prospects for investment and private sector development

Oleh Harry G. Broadman
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh World Bank Publications, 2004
ISBN 082135776X, 9780821357767
365 halaman

Building Market Institutions in South Eastern Europeża study of impediments to investment and private sector development in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, and Serbia and Montenegrożyields fundamentally new insights for improving the regionżs business environment, economic development, and prospects for growth. It focuses on four core topics: Business competition and economic barriers to entry and exit Access to regulated utilities and services Corporate ownership, transparency of business accounts, and access to finance Mechanisms for commercial dispute resolution Each topic is empirically investigated across all eight South Eastern European countries through the systematic use of data from multiple sources: Official data from each country in the region Results from two annual rounds of quantitative, firm-level surveys covering 1,600 firms Results from 40 originally developed enterprise-level business case studies The result is an innovative analysis of cross-country comparisons and the development of key policy challenges from a regional perspective. Building Market Institutions in South Eastern Europe, a collaborative effort between the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, offers important practical insights for all policymakers and observers concerned with the future of South Eastern Europe. It makes concrete recommendations for reforms that would ease the constraints on domestic and foreign investment, an essential step in sustaining growth and reducing poverty in the region.


Gender politics in the Western Balkans

Gender politics in the Western Balkans: women and society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav successor states

Oleh Sabrina P. Ramet
Diterbitkan oleh Penn State Press, 1999
ISBN 027101802X, 9780271018027
343 halaman

he first book in English to discuss the politics of gender relations in both socialist Yugoslavia and its post-socialist successor states.

Gender Politics in the Western Balkans traces the development of women's consciousness in the lands of the South Slavs from the early years of the twentieth century, on the eve of the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, to the situation during and after the Serbian Insurrectionary War of 1991-95. The book embraces historical chapters, contemporary political analyses, and cultural studies (focusing on literature and religion).

Recognizing the need for a book that surveys the experience of South Slav women during the twentieth century, Sabrina Ramet commissioned essays from leading scholars in East European/Yugoslav studies and women's studies for this volume. The resulting collection is arranged in rough chronological order, covering primarily Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia from before World War II until the present day. Topics covered include the structures of traditional society, gender relations in the interwar period, antifascist organizations, the socialist experience, and issues connected to post-socialist politics and the war, making this the most comprehensive and up-to-date book on the subject.


Women witnessing terror

Women witnessing terror: testimony and the cultural politics of human rights

Oleh Anne Cubilié
Diterbitkan oleh Fordham Univ Press, 2005
ISBN 082322435X, 9780823224357
286 halaman

A model of engaged scholarship, this book examinesfirst-person testimonials by women who have survivedabuse and atrocity in zones of conflict and terror.Drawing on a wide range of sources and settings, includinggenocide, state terror, ethnic cleansing, and war, Anne Cubiliéuses survivor testimony as theoretical invention, placing personalwitness in dialogue with work by philosophers, literary theorists,and others who study the space between victim and survivor,ethical witness and silenced observer, male and female.This nuanced example of ethical criticism demonstrates forcefullyhow ethical witnessing—listening to the voices of survivors—reformulates the language of human rights and enhances itsability to intervene against violence and oppression.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

The national question in Yugoslavia

The national question in Yugoslavia: origins, history, politics

Oleh Ivo Banac
Edition: reprint, illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Cornell University Press, 1988
ISBN 0801494931, 9780801494932
452 halaman


Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and Culture
Oleh Richard C. Frucht
Kontributor Richard C. Frucht
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh ABC-CLIO, 2005
ISBN 1576078000, 9781576078006
928 halaman

An independent Polish State should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant.

One aspect of this movement was a growing dissatisfaction with the empty formalism of much educational content in the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century; with stultifying drill and catechism-like methods of teaching; with the curriculum's lack of relatedness to the everyday experience of the child, his physical world, and social environment; and with pupils' rote verbalization and memorization of ideas for which they had no adequate referents in experience.


Being Muslim the Bosnian Way

Being Muslim the Bosnian Way: Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village

Oleh Tone Bringa
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Princeton University Press, 1995
ISBN 0691001758, 9780691001753
281 halaman


Religious separation and political intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Religious separation and political intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Oleh Mitja Velikonja
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Texas A&M University Press, 2003
ISBN 1585442267, 9781585442263
365 halaman


The World and Yugoslavia's Wars

The World and Yugoslavia's Wars

Oleh Richard Henry Ullman
Diterbitkan oleh Council on Foreign Relations, 1996
ISBN 0876091915, 9780876091913
230 halaman