A History of Poland
Authors: Oskar Halecki, Antony Polonsky
Edition: 4, revised
Publisher: Routledge, 1978
ISBN 0710086474, 9780710086471
407 pages
Poland, who now has reached her millennium, is often regarde as one of the new States. This oblivion of the Poland of the past is at the root of all the misunderstandings which stand in the way of a correct comprehension of the Poland of to-day. True, Poland history is not entirely unknown to the foreigner. But his mind retains only a few isolated facts of a specially striking nature, such as that of the Partitions. Rarely, on the other hand, does he go back to the origin of our historical evolution. More rarely still does he grasp its continuity, which even the Partitios were not able to break. Above all, he scarcely ever realizes the role that Poland has played in the general history of Europe from early times.