Sunday, April 5, 2009

Women witnessing terror

Women witnessing terror: testimony and the cultural politics of human rights

Oleh Anne Cubilié
Diterbitkan oleh Fordham Univ Press, 2005
ISBN 082322435X, 9780823224357
286 halaman

A model of engaged scholarship, this book examinesfirst-person testimonials by women who have survivedabuse and atrocity in zones of conflict and terror.Drawing on a wide range of sources and settings, includinggenocide, state terror, ethnic cleansing, and war, Anne Cubiliéuses survivor testimony as theoretical invention, placing personalwitness in dialogue with work by philosophers, literary theorists,and others who study the space between victim and survivor,ethical witness and silenced observer, male and female.This nuanced example of ethical criticism demonstrates forcefullyhow ethical witnessing—listening to the voices of survivors—reformulates the language of human rights and enhances itsability to intervene against violence and oppression.