Sunday, April 26, 2009

Promoting Sustainable Economies in the Balkans

Authors: Steven Rattner, Michael B. Froman, Council on Foreign Relations

Contributor: Steven Rattner
Publisher: Council on Foreign Relations, 2000
ISBN 0876092679, 9780876092675
73 pages

After two wars, thousands of deaths,hundreds of thousands of displaced persons, and billions of dollars in destruction, the importance of stability in the Balkans cannot be ignored. Historical grievances, ethnic rivalries, and the political ambition of misguided leaders have all played important roles in triggering these conflicts. But the region's many economic problems - poverty, unemployment, stagnating economies, and pervasive lack of hope for a better future - have contributed to an environment that made such conflicts possible, Creating sustainable economic growth and increasing standards of living cannot solve the region's political and ethnic problems. But they can contribute to stability in the region and create incentives to avoid conflict. At issue is whether the ecoomies of this region will be sustainable over time or whether they will become or remain largely dependent on foreign assistance. Drawing in a broad range of expertise in international business and investment, the Task Force has sought to provide practical recommendations that will keep help policy makers in and outside the region meet this challenge.