Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bosnia: Country Handbook

Author: Diane Publishing
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: DIANE Publishing, 1997
ISBN 0788147986, 9780788147982
530 pages

Designed as a ready reference to provide U.S. military forces with unclassified information necessary for effective operations in Bosnia. Contains information on the General Framework Agreement on Peace; regions of interest; climate, terrain, transportation, and telecommunications; culture and history; language; health and disease; first aid/hot and cold weather survival; military forces, infantry weapons, and night vision devices of the former warring factions (FWF); civil forces; mines; rank insignia and uniforms; FWF and SFOR armor, anti-armor, artillery, air defense, aircraft, and misc. equipment. B&W photos and illustrations.

This handbook has been designed as a ready reference to provide US military forces with unclassified information necessary for effective operations in Bosnia. This document also has been authorized for release to the military forces to other nations participating in the Peace Stabilization Force (SFOR). This document supersedes DOD-1540-17-96, dated May 1996.