Sunday, May 17, 2009

Recollections of a Romanian diplomat 1918 - 1969

Author: Raoul V. Bossy
Contributor George H. Bossy, Michel-André Bossy
Publisher: Hoover Press
ISBN 0817929517, 9780817929510

Diplomatic quarters and the foreign press were zeztfully commenting upon two truly superfying lectures. The first was a talk given by Frank, He sought to prove that Poland was a German land not only by right of conquest but also historically and culturally. According to him, Poland's territory would have been originally Germanic, and to bolster this strange theory he spoke of Germanic swords discovered in Poland during recent excavations. He also unearthed a Germanic root in the name of every Poland scientist. This sickening contempt for historical truth would have caused laughter had it not been followed by the gruesome statement, "There will never again exist a Polish state." Did Frank remember his deplorable prophecy when he mounted the scaffold?


Authors: Simon Commander, Fabrizio Coricelli

Published by World Bank Publications, 1995
ISBN 082132988X, 9780821329887
391 pages

When transition started in Eastern Europe and in Russia, it was clear that unemployment would emerge and that, at least initially, job losses were likely to be large given size of the shocks and the disruption to systems of production and trade. How large that unemployment would be and for how long it would persist was, and to some extent remains, an unknown. This book is a first attempt at examining this phenomenon and provides a coherent framework for thinking about changes to employment in the countries that are undergoing substantial transition.

Several important and general findings emerge. First, state and privatized firms have active sought to adapt the new relative prices and markets. Second, while there as been impressive growh in the private sector, in most of the countries, many of those who have lost their former state sector jobs. Third, steps to a more efficient allocation of labor resources in the transitional economies and to a well-functioning labor market depend very powerfully on a sound macroeconomic policy.