Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bosnia and Herzegovina 2001 - 2004

Diterbitkan oleh World Bank Publications

This pape takes tock of labor market development in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the period 2001-2004, using the panel "Living Standards Measurement Study/Living in Bosnia and Herzegovina Survei". The analysis estimates a multinomial logit model of labor market transitions by state of origin (employment, unemployment, and inactivity) following the specification of widely used models of transition probabilities, and analyzes the impact of standard covaraites. The results provide strong evidence that there are indeed significant differences in labor market transitions by gender, age, education, and geographic location.

This paper is a product of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit, Europe and Central Asia Region.


Bosnia and Herzegovina: post-conflict reconstruction

Oleh Alcira Kreimer, Robert Muscat, World Bank. Operations Evaluation Department, Ann Elwan, Margaret Arnold
Kontributor Alcira Kreimer
Diterbitkan oleh World Bank Publications, 2000
ISBN 0821346814, 9780821346815
109 halaman

Bosnia and Uganda received comprehensive reconstruction support from the Bank. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bank helped start the reconstruction effort in 1996, without waiting for financial normalization and membership in the Bank. Sixteen emergency projects for the country addressed all major infrastructure and social sectors. They also incorporated a focus on employment generation and support for institutional development.


Patronage Or Partnership

Patronage Or Partnership: Local Capacity Building in Humanitarian Crises
Oleh Ian Smillie
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh IDRC, 2001
ISBN 0889369445, 9780889369443
212 halaman

Patronage or Partnership: Local Capacity Building in Humanitarian Crises grew out of the research of the Humanitarianism and War Project, an independent policy-research initiative now based at the Feinstein International Famine Center in Tufts University's School of Nutrition Science and Policy. The book was designed to test assumptions and to investigate relationships between humanitarian agencies and local civil society in complex emergencies. In this book, the author said that Bosnia represented what might be loosely termed post-Soviet space, in which formalized civil sector predated the conflict.



Bosnia-Herzegovina: The End of a Legacy

Oleh Neven Andjelic
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Routledge, 2003
ISBN 071465485X, 9780714654850
228 halaman


The Muslim-Croat civil war in Central Bosnia

The Muslim-Croat civil war in Central Bosnia: a military history, 1992-1994

Oleh Charles R. Shrader
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Texas A&M University Press, 2003
ISBN 1585442615, 9781585442614
223 halaman

n this volume, Charles R. Shrader offers the first full-scale military history of a crucial conflict in Bosnia between two former allies. When the Bosnian Serbs and their Serbian allies attacked Bosnia-Herzegovina in March 1992, the Bosnia Croats and Muslims collaborated to defend themselves. As Serbian pressure increased and it became clear that the West would not intervene, the two allies began to stake out their own claims. Drawing from cases presented before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Shrader describes the organization and tactical doctrine of the Croatian Defense Forces and the Muslim-led Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. He analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides in such fields as communications, training, and logistics. Far from being the attackers, Shrader concludes, the Bosnian Croats in Central Bosnia were clearly outnumbered, outgunned, and on the defensive. Although Shrader's work is a meticulous analysis by a neutral expert, not everyone will find his conclusions comfortable. But every serious student of the conflict in Bosnia will have to take his history into account.


Russia, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe

Russia, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe: a survey of holdings at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace

Oleh Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Joseph D. Dwyer
Diterbitkan oleh Hoover Press, 1980
ISBN 0817950117, 9780817950118
233 halaman


Macedonia and the Macedonians

Macedonia and the Macedonians: A History

Oleh Andrew Rossos
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh Hoover Press, 2008
ISBN 0817948821, 9780817948825
367 halaman

Throughout history, every power that aspired to dominate the Balkans-from the ancient Romans to Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia in the age of imperialism and nationalism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries-has sought to control Macedonia. But although Macedonia figured prominently in history, it remained a little-known land until the nineteenth century. This detailed volume surveys the history of Macedonia from 600 B.C. to the present day, with an emphasis on the past two centuries. It reveals how the so-called Macedonian question has long dominated Balkan politics, and how for well over a century and a half, it was the central issue dividing Balkan peoples, as neighboring nations struggled for possession of Macedonia and denied any distinct Macedonian identity-territorial, political, ethnic, or national. The author concludes that Balkan acceptance of a Macedonian identity, nation, and state has become a necessity for stability in the Balkans and in a united Europe. Book jacket.



Bosnia: Faking Democracy After Dayton

Oleh David Chandler
Edition: 2
Diterbitkan oleh Pluto Press, 2000
ISBN 0745316891, 9780745316895
268 halaman

The Dayton Accords brought the Bosnian war to an end in November 1995, establishing a detailed framework for the reconstitution of the Bosnian state and its consolidation through a process of democratization. In Bosnia David Chandler makes the first in-depth critical analysis of the policies and impact of post-Dayton democratization. Drawing on interviews with key officials within the OSCE in Bosnia and extensive original research exploring the impact of policies designed to further political pluralism, develop multi-ethnic administrations, protect human rights and support civil society, Chandler reveals that the process has done virtually nothing to develop democracy in this troubled country. Political autonomy and accountability are now further away than at any time since the outbreak of the Bosnian war.The Afterword to this new edition updates Bosnian developments and adds an analysis of the structures and problems of the international protectorate in Kosovo.


International Public Opinion and the Bosnia Crisis

International Public Opinion and the Bosnia Crisis

Oleh Eric Shiraev
Diterbitkan oleh Lexington Books, 2003
ISBN 0739104802, 9780739104804
364 halaman

International Public Opinion and the Bosnia Crisis examines--through U.S., Canadian, and European case studies--how public reaction impacted democratic governments' response to the ethnic and religious conflict in Bosnia, 1991-1997.


Building market institutions in South Eastern Europe

Building market institutions in South Eastern Europe: comparative prospects for investment and private sector development

Oleh Harry G. Broadman
Edition: illustrated
Diterbitkan oleh World Bank Publications, 2004
ISBN 082135776X, 9780821357767
365 halaman

Building Market Institutions in South Eastern Europeża study of impediments to investment and private sector development in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, and Serbia and Montenegrożyields fundamentally new insights for improving the regionżs business environment, economic development, and prospects for growth. It focuses on four core topics: Business competition and economic barriers to entry and exit Access to regulated utilities and services Corporate ownership, transparency of business accounts, and access to finance Mechanisms for commercial dispute resolution Each topic is empirically investigated across all eight South Eastern European countries through the systematic use of data from multiple sources: Official data from each country in the region Results from two annual rounds of quantitative, firm-level surveys covering 1,600 firms Results from 40 originally developed enterprise-level business case studies The result is an innovative analysis of cross-country comparisons and the development of key policy challenges from a regional perspective. Building Market Institutions in South Eastern Europe, a collaborative effort between the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, offers important practical insights for all policymakers and observers concerned with the future of South Eastern Europe. It makes concrete recommendations for reforms that would ease the constraints on domestic and foreign investment, an essential step in sustaining growth and reducing poverty in the region.


Gender politics in the Western Balkans

Gender politics in the Western Balkans: women and society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav successor states

Oleh Sabrina P. Ramet
Diterbitkan oleh Penn State Press, 1999
ISBN 027101802X, 9780271018027
343 halaman

he first book in English to discuss the politics of gender relations in both socialist Yugoslavia and its post-socialist successor states.

Gender Politics in the Western Balkans traces the development of women's consciousness in the lands of the South Slavs from the early years of the twentieth century, on the eve of the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, to the situation during and after the Serbian Insurrectionary War of 1991-95. The book embraces historical chapters, contemporary political analyses, and cultural studies (focusing on literature and religion).

Recognizing the need for a book that surveys the experience of South Slav women during the twentieth century, Sabrina Ramet commissioned essays from leading scholars in East European/Yugoslav studies and women's studies for this volume. The resulting collection is arranged in rough chronological order, covering primarily Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia from before World War II until the present day. Topics covered include the structures of traditional society, gender relations in the interwar period, antifascist organizations, the socialist experience, and issues connected to post-socialist politics and the war, making this the most comprehensive and up-to-date book on the subject.


Women witnessing terror

Women witnessing terror: testimony and the cultural politics of human rights

Oleh Anne Cubilié
Diterbitkan oleh Fordham Univ Press, 2005
ISBN 082322435X, 9780823224357
286 halaman

A model of engaged scholarship, this book examinesfirst-person testimonials by women who have survivedabuse and atrocity in zones of conflict and terror.Drawing on a wide range of sources and settings, includinggenocide, state terror, ethnic cleansing, and war, Anne Cubiliéuses survivor testimony as theoretical invention, placing personalwitness in dialogue with work by philosophers, literary theorists,and others who study the space between victim and survivor,ethical witness and silenced observer, male and female.This nuanced example of ethical criticism demonstrates forcefullyhow ethical witnessing—listening to the voices of survivors—reformulates the language of human rights and enhances itsability to intervene against violence and oppression.