Monday, May 25, 2009

A History of Poland

Authors: Oskar Halecki, Antony Polonsky

Edition: 4, revised
Publisher: Routledge, 1978
ISBN 0710086474, 9780710086471
407 pages

Poland, who now has reached her millennium, is often regarde as one of the new States. This oblivion of the Poland of the past is at the root of all the misunderstandings which stand in the way of a correct comprehension of the Poland of to-day. True, Poland history is not entirely unknown to the foreigner. But his mind retains only a few isolated facts of a specially striking nature, such as that of the Partitions. Rarely, on the other hand, does he go back to the origin of our historical evolution. More rarely still does he grasp its continuity, which even the Partitios were not able to break. Above all, he scarcely ever realizes the role that Poland has played in the general history of Europe from early times.


Nuclear Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS

Author: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

Edition: revised
Publisher: OECD Publishing, 2000
ISBN 9264185259, 9789264185258
194 pages

Pursuant to Article 1 of the Convention signed in Paris On 14th December 1960, and which came into force on 30th September 1961, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shall promote policies designed:
-to achieve the highest sustainable economic growth and employment and a rising standard of living in Member countries, while maintaining financial stability, and thus to contribute to the development of the world economy;
-to contribute to sound economic expansion in Member as well as non-member countries in the process of economic development; and
-to contribute to the expansion of world trade on a multilateral, non-discriminatory basis in accordance with international obligations.

The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) was established on 1st February 1958 under the name of OEEC European Nuclear Energy Agency. It received its present designation on 20th April 1972, when Japan became its first non-European full Member. NEA membership today consists of 27 OECD Member countries. The Commission of European Communities also takes part in the work of the Agency.


St. Petersburgh, Constantinople, and Napoli di Romania, in 1833 and 1834

Authors: Friedrich Tietz, James D. Haas

Translator: James D. Haas
Published by A. Richter & Co., 1836
Item notes: v. 2
Original from Oxford University
Digitized Oct 12, 2006

There is scarecely another city in Europe which so magnificently attests its character to be Imperial, as does St. Petersburgh. From the Palace Strielna, three miles distant from the city, and situated in the Finland way, we drove along a beautiful higway, (one of the most useful traits of advancing civilization) between elegant villas, which uninterruptedly lined both sides of the road. Each of these villas is surrounded by a small park, separated from the highway only by slight iron of railings, and this style of taste continued even to the city gates. The owners of these country houses, which are called dastchen, go to a great expence of laying out with luxurious arrangement their respective seats, in order to pass the few summer months that throw a glow over the climate, in sybaritish enjoyment. From those belvederes of the datschens which lie to the left of the road, the prospect is most lovely. Thence, on the fine summer evenings of June and July, which for two or three weeks together are not encroached upon by actual darkness, but....


Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Jews of Poland

The Jews of Poland: a social and economic history of the Jewish community in Poland from 1100 to 1800

Author: Bernard Dov Weinryb
Edition: 2
Publisher: Jewish Publication Society, 1976
ISBN 082760016X, 9780827600164
424 pages


The Moldovans: Romania, Russia, and the politics of culture

Author: Charles King

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Hoover Press, 1999
ISBN 081799792X, 9780817997922
303 pages


Values and education in Romania today

Authors: Marin C. Călin, Magdalena Dumitrana, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy

Contributor: Marin C. Călin
Publisher: CRVP, 2001
ISBN 1565181344, 9781565181342
235 pages


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Recollections of a Romanian diplomat 1918 - 1969

Author: Raoul V. Bossy
Contributor George H. Bossy, Michel-André Bossy
Publisher: Hoover Press
ISBN 0817929517, 9780817929510

Diplomatic quarters and the foreign press were zeztfully commenting upon two truly superfying lectures. The first was a talk given by Frank, He sought to prove that Poland was a German land not only by right of conquest but also historically and culturally. According to him, Poland's territory would have been originally Germanic, and to bolster this strange theory he spoke of Germanic swords discovered in Poland during recent excavations. He also unearthed a Germanic root in the name of every Poland scientist. This sickening contempt for historical truth would have caused laughter had it not been followed by the gruesome statement, "There will never again exist a Polish state." Did Frank remember his deplorable prophecy when he mounted the scaffold?


Authors: Simon Commander, Fabrizio Coricelli

Published by World Bank Publications, 1995
ISBN 082132988X, 9780821329887
391 pages

When transition started in Eastern Europe and in Russia, it was clear that unemployment would emerge and that, at least initially, job losses were likely to be large given size of the shocks and the disruption to systems of production and trade. How large that unemployment would be and for how long it would persist was, and to some extent remains, an unknown. This book is a first attempt at examining this phenomenon and provides a coherent framework for thinking about changes to employment in the countries that are undergoing substantial transition.

Several important and general findings emerge. First, state and privatized firms have active sought to adapt the new relative prices and markets. Second, while there as been impressive growh in the private sector, in most of the countries, many of those who have lost their former state sector jobs. Third, steps to a more efficient allocation of labor resources in the transitional economies and to a well-functioning labor market depend very powerfully on a sound macroeconomic policy.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Landscape archaeology in southern Epirus, Greece I

Authors: James Wiseman, Kōnstantinos L. Zachos

Edition: illustrated
Publisher: ASCSA, 2003
ISBN 0876615329, 9780876615324
292 pages

Human societies at all times an in all parts of the world interact with the landscape they inhabit; it could not be otherwise, even if the interaction were somehow limited to the selective exploitation of natural resources. Human activities alter the landscape and the natural environment, often in dramatic ways; the alterations may occur as the result of human design, as in clearing a forest to plant crops, or may be incidental, as in the destruction (or reshaping) of a mountainside by Roman miners of precious metals. Conversely, humans at varous times in the past have pysically adapted to changes in their envirnment (especially in the distant past), or responded to environmental change in variety of other way. Some of these response, such as migration or technological innovation, have been drastic and revolutionary in their effect and are often recognizable in the archaeological record, while other responses were more gradual, even subtle, and are more difficult to detect. To acknowledge the importance of the natural setting, of the environment at large, in studying change in human society is not to deny the important of intercultural relationships, or the role of the individual intellect or collective social conscience in the evolution of ethical, spirutual, or other sociocultural phenomena in human affairs. The point is that to understand and explain changes in human society over time, it is critically important to study society in relationship to the changing environment in which it existed. Through this approach to the past archaeologists are able to provide insights into the factors that underlie changes in human-land relationships, sometimes over a short time-span or even regarding specific events, but especially over the long term. And they can explore those interculutural relationships and sociocultural phenomena cited above, which themselves evolved within specific environmental settings and change.


Political Transformation and Changing Identities in Central and Eastern Europe

Authors: Andrew M. Blasko, Diana Januauskiene

Contributor: Andrew M. Blasko
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: CRVP, 2008
ISBN 1565182464, 9781565182462
420 pages

The post-communist democratic transformation in Europe continues to be one of the most widely topics in the social sciences, even after the recent wave of European Union expansion. Numerous attempts have been made to describe and explain the changes that have been taken place in Central and Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet Union, both in respect to the collapse of the Soviet-style system, and concerning the so-called "Europeanization" that different countries have greeted in markedly different ways. The collection of articles presented here comprises a further contribution to this on-going discussion that involves empirical studies of particular states in the region, a comparative investigation of certain shared problems, as well as an exploration of theoretical questions with the issues of identity and change. In addition to focusing on questions of importance of specific countries, the discussion endeavors to raise issues that are relevant to the region as whole as it has undergone the experience of system change with the resulting need to forge a new identity on the basis of history, culture, and aspirations for a better future.